Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Incas

The article that I red was about one of the main stories or myths about the origin of the Incas. It was wrote thinking in the psychological, historical and anthropological implications of the actions by the protagonist
The protagonist were the brothers Ayar. They were four brothers and four sisters that started a long travel looking for a place to live. The adventure lasted several years. Some of the brothers were lost on the road, even some of them were betrayed by the rest, and others were convinced become stone. All along that time the brothers Ayar were taking place in diffrent valleys, always cultivating their food with their own hands.
Finally, they found a good place to live and Mama Huaco took two staffs of gold and threw them to the definitive settlement. it is an important way of understand de history, because it means that womans can be a really impotant part of it. Indeed it is a way to say that men and woman are equals, and both are really important for Inca's pollitical.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My favorite song

Mercedes Benz
by Janis Joplin

Oh Lord, won´t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won´t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
Oh Lord, won´t you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won´t you buy me a color TV ?
Oh Lord, won´t you buy me a night on the town ?
I´m counting on you, Lord, please don´t let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won´t you buy me a night on the town ?
Everybody!Oh Lord, won´t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won´t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?That´s it!

This is my favorite song because is an ironic way to talk about people that pride or talk with God for utilitary things. They are really materialist and delieve they desreve have suntuary things.
I feel that we must seek new ways to say things. That's why I like this song: it is an original way of saying something that has been said many times, but that has not even been heard.
Besides, I like as it sounds, since it has no musical instruments. It is only the voice of Janis Joplin, which results in an even stronger message